Thursday, July 25, 2013


Two more days of work and then I can skate all day, every day , if I want. At least until I run out of freestyle stickers. This is good timing, because I am testing my bronze moves-in-the-field on August 17. New Coach has made some huge improvements, but there are still issues getting on-pattern. It appears I don't have enough power when I start.

My Power 3-turns are a good example. You need to know that I have been doing P3’s since basic skills. I competed in Basic Skills Tests, in front of judges, doing Power 3’s. I should be able to do these in my sleep. Instead, I take my intro steps, start my first 3-turn, and my brain says, “You’re going awfully fast. What if you fall?” Of course, once that thought crosses my mind, I freeze. I have to force the 3-turn, and the whole pattern is thrown off.

New Coach would probably tell me that I don't square my hips, or I don't step with my blade pointing down the ice. My Personal Trainer would say it's because I don't have full range of motion in my hips because I don't stretch. But I know there more to it than muscular-skeletal mechanics.

Skating has always had a spiritual aspect for me. Not getting a good start is a common theme in many areas of my life. I am trying to start an online jewelry business. My family is giving me more support than I thought possible, but I am absolutely panicked.

I rushed opening the Etsy store and wonder if I will be able to overcome some of the issues. Is the photography good enough? Could my descriptions be written better? Have I priced my jewelry correctly? Should I have done more planning? What if I spend hundreds of dollars on supplies and don’t sell anything?

The Power 3-Turns, as well as my other moves, should fix themselves fairly easily with practice. I know what I need to do – envision myself doing a nice, big 3-turn before my brain tells me to be afraid. Then I need to push to get the power I need to complete the pattern.

If I take a deep breath and apply the same techniques, I can see the Etsy store succeeding, too. Take a deep breath, envision success, and then give it a good push. Tell people what I’m doing. Create a Kickstarter project to get the funds I need to start the first line of necklaces. Here’s a sample.

To see all the designs I am currently offering for sale, go to

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