Thursday, July 25, 2013


Two more days of work and then I can skate all day, every day , if I want. At least until I run out of freestyle stickers. This is good timing, because I am testing my bronze moves-in-the-field on August 17. New Coach has made some huge improvements, but there are still issues getting on-pattern. It appears I don't have enough power when I start.

My Power 3-turns are a good example. You need to know that I have been doing P3’s since basic skills. I competed in Basic Skills Tests, in front of judges, doing Power 3’s. I should be able to do these in my sleep. Instead, I take my intro steps, start my first 3-turn, and my brain says, “You’re going awfully fast. What if you fall?” Of course, once that thought crosses my mind, I freeze. I have to force the 3-turn, and the whole pattern is thrown off.

New Coach would probably tell me that I don't square my hips, or I don't step with my blade pointing down the ice. My Personal Trainer would say it's because I don't have full range of motion in my hips because I don't stretch. But I know there more to it than muscular-skeletal mechanics.

Skating has always had a spiritual aspect for me. Not getting a good start is a common theme in many areas of my life. I am trying to start an online jewelry business. My family is giving me more support than I thought possible, but I am absolutely panicked.

I rushed opening the Etsy store and wonder if I will be able to overcome some of the issues. Is the photography good enough? Could my descriptions be written better? Have I priced my jewelry correctly? Should I have done more planning? What if I spend hundreds of dollars on supplies and don’t sell anything?

The Power 3-Turns, as well as my other moves, should fix themselves fairly easily with practice. I know what I need to do – envision myself doing a nice, big 3-turn before my brain tells me to be afraid. Then I need to push to get the power I need to complete the pattern.

If I take a deep breath and apply the same techniques, I can see the Etsy store succeeding, too. Take a deep breath, envision success, and then give it a good push. Tell people what I’m doing. Create a Kickstarter project to get the funds I need to start the first line of necklaces. Here’s a sample.

To see all the designs I am currently offering for sale, go to

Sunday, February 3, 2013

There always seems to be an excuse to keep me from skating.  They are always good reasons.  For instance . . .
We lost our house in the foreclosure crisis.
I fractured my skull trying to do a scratch spin.

Bottom line:  it's my hobby.  I love it, but other things come first.  Namely, family and work.

But, this is 2013.  Both of us are employed.  No one is ill.  So, why isn't this the year I get back on track?  Not only do I have money for skating, I have found a rink where I can skate 3 nights a week.  I have money for a personal trainer.  There might even be enough money for a ballet class.

So, today, when I knew my family would be watching the SuperBowl, I thought, "I don't really want to go to my skating lesson."  Translation:  I didn't skate once during the week because I want to change rinks where I do freestyles.  But, I have heard there are high-level skaters training here and I'm too scared to go because I don't want to get clobbered because I got in the way of someone doing a triple-jump.

So, I called my coach to see if MAYBE he could help with the guilt.  "Do you have a SuperBowl party you want to go to?"  (Yeah, right, I assume my figure skating coach is like the majority of other men?)

 "Holly,  you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"No, I just want to make sure that you are going to be there and that you do want to have a lesson today."

"You don't have to come.  It's OK."

"Look, you're my coach.  I need someone to help me with accountability today."

"OK, you have to come."

First, we worked on power-stroking.  It has been so long since I've done this that it's all out-of-whack.  A few simple adjustments - as simple as putting pressure on my big toe - and wow, they promise to look good soon.

After the moves, we had 5 minutes left.  "What do you want to do, Holly?"

"Honestly, I want to work on pivots and spins."  Yes, the evil spins that led to the fractured skull.  I've got to get past this or I will never go any further with my skating.

After three years of watching me try to power my way through spins, Coach lost his patience and told me to SLOW down.  Don't try to spin, just try to do the drills.

And then it happened.  Since I wasn't trying to spin, I finally felt what a spin is supposed to feel like.  If I open my hip - yes, just shifting slightly so that my left hip bone leads - I will spin no matter what.  I don't have to throw my right leg around to start spinning any more.

Well, at least not this afternoon.  We'll see what happens on Wednesday when I skate.

It was a great lesson today.