Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How will you keep your New Year's Resolutions?

Lots of people start the new year with the best of intentions to change something:  stop smoking, lose weight, etc.  But 45% will fail by the end of January. 

So skaters, what are you doing to make sure you keep your resolutions?  Did you make your top 10 goals for the year, without limitations?  What step are you taking this week to make sure you reach one of those goals?   Share it here!


  1. This week, I have been focused on my weight loss goal and working out for 10 minutes a day.

    I've also put some effort into developing a workout I can use at the local playground when the weather is nice.

    And this morning, I'm going skating. Except that I should be getting the car right now and I'm still in PJ's.

  2. I'm going to pass my last Gold Dance, the Westminster Waltz. And the Intermediate Supplemental MIF.

  3. Awesome! So glad to hear from you.
